Well folks, here we are on the eve of the Memorial Day weekend. The "gateway" to summer! And in Chicago we are thinking about building arks and other floating craft!! The 550 is back together and ready to fly, all I'm waiting for is flying weather.
It took me about 4 hours to rebuild the tail and replace the main gear. Thought about using the KDE main gear, but that requires KDE's bearing holder and I don't have one of those yet. The KDE gear is slightly larger than Align's and made out of a different plastic and seems stronger. Unfortunately, their screw pattern is different so you need to use their bearing holder if you want to use their gears and since I'm working out of the shop stock I stayed with the Align parts.
Everything is still the same parts, only replaced where damaged. The only change I made is I added the 90mm tail blades instead of using the standard 85mm blades. This should give me more control with the tail with the added 5mm of surface.
This time I am going to make sure that the CoPilot is working before I fly. I mean I bought it I should use it right?
Well, that's all I have for now, I will let you know how the flying goes when I get out to the field. Until next time God Bless America's Military and have a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day weekend.
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