Well folks it's been a few weeks since I've added to the blog, or flown for that matter, and I must say it showed yesterday! It was a beautiful day here in Chicago, blue skies and a light wind. After not being able to fly for a while I was excited to get out and work on my hovering, so off to the field I went.
Once there I set the blades, plugged in my battery and proceeded to crash!
So in the 90 seconds of flight here is what I learned.
1) Every time you get to the field GO THROUGH A PRE-FLIGHT CHECK. Make sure all screws are tight all ball-links are connected and radio and receiver are working correctly.
2) If you hear a little voice in the back of your head saying something ain't right, LISTEN TO IT!
3) See numbers 1 and 2!!!!!
The reason for those two lessons are as follows:
I didn't pre-flight and shortly after getting the helicopter airborne I lost all stick control. After getting to the crash site I found one head control arm popped off. You loose one servo you quickly become an observer and not a pilot.
The other lesson was much harder. While watching the heli spin up I noticed it was acting a little strange. I kept wanting to nose over without any control inputs and as soon as it got a little air it started moving to the left and away. I don't know what was causing those movements but if I would have listened to my little voice I would have set that sucker down and taken a closer look at the thing.
As it is, I am down for a little while waiting for parts. During that time I am going to make myself a pre-flight check list to follow and start to drum that list into my thick skull. In the mean time I think I might spend a little time with my airplane, this way I can shake off the bad feelings about crashing the heli and get some stick time in before I take to the skies again with my "flying chainsaw."
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